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Atomic Cowboys

Atomic Cowboys

Written By: GroupGets | June 22, 2018

In case you haven’t heard, we just launched GetSparked with SparkFun and it’s already bearing fruit in the form of new hardware group buys that are live now as well as in the pipeline. Greg Davill is breaking Twitter with his posts about a custom Boson Frame Grabber, Elektor Magazine recently captured our story in an interview, and we recently got a sneak peek at a module to blockchain-enable existing hardware.

Ion Specific Electrode Probe Interface

Ion Specific Electrode Probe Interface

Our latest GetSparked entry lets you measure pH, ORP, or anything with a raw millivolt output with your Arduino or Raspberry Pi project via I2C. This is an incredibly thorough open source hardware and software project with support for multiple platforms and software languages such as rust, MicroPython, and Python. There is also support for ESP32.


FLIR Boson Frame Capture to SD Card

FLIR Boson Frame Capture to SD Card

Not too long ago on Twitter we discovered @GregDavill hacking away at an open FLIR Boson attachment PCB to capture images to a SD Card. If you’re a current or prospective Boson user or just a general hardware enthusiast, Greg’s blog is worth bookmarking. Shameless plug warning, we’ve got Bosons in stock and are now shipping them on the daily.


AudioMoth Shipping Updates

AudioMoth Shipping Updates

AudioMoth Rounds 3 and 4 will start partially shipping to us from CircuitHub this week. We'll get them out as soon as we get them. Once they are completely fulfilled, we will have a limited supply in our store and will launch Round 5.

Elektor Magazine Interview and Startup Contest

Elektor Magazine Interview and Startup Contest

One of our cofounders was recently interviewed by Elektor about the origin, current and future state of GroupGets. If you’re curious about our story, it’s a great primer. And if you’re part of an electronics startup wanting an excuse to be in Munich, apply to "electronica Fast Forward 2018” to win a massive amount of free marketing to help you get the word out about your product.


Guest Blogs on SparkFun

Guest Blogs on SparkFun

As part of last month’s GetSparked kickoff we were invited to appoint some guest bloggers on Sparkfun to write about their hardware experiences and use of GroupGets to realize their projects. Breadware kicked it off with a conversation about The IoT Build vs Buy Dilemma. The AudioMoth Team wrote about Scaling Open-Source Conservation Technology and Michael Welling of Qwerty Embedded concluded things with his Adventures in Open Hardware.


Filament Blocklet

Filament Blocklet

Shout out to the Reno chapter of Hardware Massive for hosting a talk by local tech veteran and icon, Allison Clift-Jennings of Filament. Her candid talk about “How to Build and Fund a Hardware Startup (or Die Trying)” was highlighted by her experiences in going from wanting to product a wirelessly controlled sprinkler system to now producing a compact hardware module to enable existing hardware with USB ports to transact on a blockchain. We don’t think that it was recorded but if she gives this talk again, it’s not to be missed. As an added bonus, she didn’t just talk about taping out a new blockchain chip, she passed one around. Keep living that PoC || GTFO life, Allison!

How to Use a PureThermal 2 on Mac OS

Learn how to use a PureThermal 2 with Radiometric FLIR Lepton® 3.5 on Mac OS using our GetThermal Application.